
Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 May 2013

Today, we finish Integrity 3. We've read in the scriptures about those who demonstrated integrity this week. Now it's your turn to share your story. Today, in testimony meeting, share about a time when you had the courage to show integrity. Once you've done that, you can sign it off. HOORAY! 

Keep on with acknowledging those who serve you. Only 2 more days after today and you'll be done with Good Works 1.

Also, if you forgot to finish up Faith 4 last week, this week is your chance to finish it. Listen carefully to the Sacrament hymns and prayers and think about why we take the bread and water each week. Think about the promises you made at baptism. Record in your journal how your understanding of these promises increases your faith in the Savior. Once you've done that, you can sign off on Faith 4 too! HOORAY AGAIN! 


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