
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2013 April 24

Today for Personal Progress, we are starting a new value so today is heavy compared to most days. But, you can do it! We are almost done with Divine Nature 4 and Faith 1. We will finish them both on Sunday. 

Today, we are starting Good Works 1. Read:
Record in your journal the small, quiet acts of service your family did for you today. 

Keep on memorizing the Sacrament prayers. Can you recite, from memory, the prayer over the bread? It's a little different from the water so be careful. Here's the water prayer with just the first letter of the word. You can do it. 

O G__, t__ E______ F_____, w_ a__ t___ i_ t__ n___ o_ t__ S__,
J____ C_____, t_ b____ a__ s_______ t___ w___ t_ t__ s____ o_
a__ t____ w__ d____ o_ i_, t___ t___ m__ d_ i_ i_ r__________
o_ t__ b____ o_ t__ S__, w____ w__ s___ f__ t___; t___ t___
m__ w______ u___ t___, O G__, t__ E______ F_____, t___ t___
d_ a_____ r_______ h__, t___ t___ m__ h___ h__ S_____ t_ b_
w___ t___. A___.

Also be sure to do what you said you'd do to help you remember the Savior each day.

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