Today for personal progress, we are going to work on memorizing the Sacrament prayer for the bread. Spend about 10 minutes today reading over the verse without any vowels:
_ G_d, th_ _t_rn_l F_th_r, w_ _sk th__ _n th_ n_m_ _f thy S_n,J_s_s Chr_st, t_ bl_ss _nd s_nct_fy th_s br__d t_ th_ s__ls_f _ll th_s_ wh_ p_rt_k_ _f _t, th_t th_y m_y __t _n r_m_mbr_nc__f th_ b_dy _f thy S_n, _nd w_tn_ss _nt_ th__, _ G_d, th__t_rn_l F_th_r, th_t th_y _r_ w_ll_ng t_ t_k_ _p_n th_m th_n_m_ _f thy S_n, _nd _lw_ys r_m_mb_r h_m _nd k__p h_s c_mm_ndm_ntswh_ch h_ h_s g_v_n th_m; th_t th_y m_y _lw_ys h_v_ h_s dSp_r_tt_ b_ w_th th_m. _m_n.
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