Today for Personal Progress, keep doing what you said you'd do to remember the Savior each day. And let's keep working on memorizing the sacrament prayers. Here is the prayer without the vowels:
_ G_d, th_ _t_rn_l F_th_r, w_ _sk th__ _n th_ n_m_ _f thy S_n,J_s_s Chr_st, t_ bl_ss _nd s_nct_fy th_s w_n_ t_ th_ s__ls _f_ll th_s_ wh_ dr_nk _f _t, th_t th_y m_y d_ _t _n r_m_mbr_nc__f th_ bl__d _f thy S_n, wh_ch w_s sh_d f_r th_m; th_t th_ym_y w_tn_ss _nt_ th__, _ G_d, th_ _t_rn_l F_th_r, th_t th_yd_ _lw_ys r_m_mb_r h_m, th_t th_y m_y h_v_ h_s Sp_r_t t_ b_w_th th_m. _m_n.
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