
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

18 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, continue searching for records about your ancestors. Have you had any success? Be sure to keep track of your time and record your experiences in your journal.

And record in your journal some notes about your experience with improving on the three standards (12/21).


Monday, June 17, 2013

17 June 2013

Today for Personal progress, go to and search for documents that verify the life of your ancestors. For example, search for your grandparents or great grandparents in 1940 census. It has been my experience that using a broader search is better than a more specific one. So if you know the exact town, county and state your ancestor was born it might be best to search using just the state and his or her name. Don’t forget for the women to search using their maiden name and their married name.

Be sure to set the timer so you can keep track of how long you work. It’s really easy to get carried away and spend all day searching and finding and searching and finding. And don’t forget to express gratitude to those with whom you work and record your experiences in your journal.

Keep working on those standards. (11/21)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

16 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, get out information from Individual worth 6. Assess what information you have and what information you need to find. If you are interested and have a family history center nearby, set up a day to visit and use If this doesn't take the whole hour, begin searching for information.

Keep working on those standards for Choice and Accountability 2.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

15 June 2013

Get ready to start your project tomorrow.

Record in your journal some notes about your experience with improving on the three standards for Choice and Accountability 2. (9/21)

Friday, June 14, 2013

14 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, you need to get your project plan* approved. And you need to keep working on keeping standards for Choice and Accountability 2.

Here is my plan*, broken up into how I will spend each of the 10 hours.

I will spend at least 10 hours over 10 days working on my Family History. Each day, starting June 16, I will set a timer to be sure I work at least an hour. I will express my gratitude for those who help me and record my experiences in my journal. I will specifically think about my ancestors and their contributions and think about how I can bless the lives of others. I will also evaluate my project once it is complete. Here is my breakdown for each hour.
  1. Get out information from Individual worth 6. Assess what information I have and what information I need to find. Set up a day to visit my local Family History Center to use 
  2. Search site for documents from deceased ancestors. 
  3. Search site for documents from deceased ancestors.
  4. Search site for documents. Also, Search FHL catalog for books and journals about ancestors or family lines.
  5. Search at a family history center.
  6. Search ancestor’s local vital records sources for documents.
  7. Use Google to search for photos of ancestors. Also ask family members for any photos they have.
  8. Use to search for burial sites. (GW EXPERIENCE TIP:If you know where some of your ancestors are buried and they are not on find-a-grave, consider contributing to find-a-grave.)
  9. Visit local public libraries to search for ancestors who are from my area. 
  10. Compile all my documents.

*Note: The personal progress program encourages seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost to select a meaningful project. If you do not want to do this project or feel you would benefit from another project, please choose something different during this time.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

13 June 2013

We are going to try something new for Personal Progress in a few days. We are going to try a project together. But first, you have to get the project approved by a parent or leader. That’s your personal progress task for today: to come up with your project plan*. The project we will be starting on the blog next week is the Individual worth Project and we will be working on our Family History. I will share my plan tomorrow.  

Don’t forget to keep working on Standards for Choice and Accountability 2.

*Note: The personal progress program encourages seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost to select a meaningful project. If you do not want to do this project or feel you would benefit from another project, please choose something different during this time.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

12 June 2013

How has it been going with improving three standards? Record in your journal some notes about your experience. (6/21)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

11 June 2013

Take it easy today. Just work on whatever your plan was to keep standards for Choice and Accountability 2. (5/21)

Monday, June 10, 2013

10 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, visit If you already have an account, log in. If not, create one. Here you will find the temple ordinances information on the deceased relatives in your family. Record the information on your pedigree chart. If you are having trouble, it might be helpful to contact a someone from a Family History Center nearby. Sign off on Individual Worth 6.

PROJECT TIP: Highlight those ordinances that need to be completed and use that information for a Good Works Value Project where you prepare their names for ordinances and attend the temple on their behalf. We will be doing this together soon. But don’t wait on us if you are anxious to get started.

Keep working on those standards! (4/21)


Sunday, June 9, 2013

9 June 2013

Today for personal progress, get the pedigree chart you filled out yesterday and take it to your parents and ask for their help with any information they may have. It might be helpful to have extra paper to take notes or maybe even to record the conversation for reference later.

Here are some tips and strategies for interviews. On page 3, you’ll find a list of questions to ask. After you ask your parents these questions, ask your grandparents. Even ask your aunts and uncles if you would like.  If you still have great-grandparents alive, definitely ask them too.

If you do not have an account on and you are a member of the LDS Church, you will need your record number and confirmation date to create one. Ask your ward clerk for this information at church today.

And, record in your journal some notes about your experience with improving on the three standards. (3/21)

PROJECT TIP: You may want to ask your family members, especially great-grandparents, a more comprehensive list of questions. You’ll find one here. If you choose to do that you can use it for a Personal Progress Value project for Individual Worth.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

8 June 2013

I’m so excited for the experience we start today. We’re starting Individual worth 6.

When you participate in family history, you come to understand your identity and individual worth. Visit with your living relatives to learn as much information about your family history as possible. Then complete a pedigree chart of your family and list the temple ordinances that have been completed for each person.

Today we are filling out a pedigree chart. Put yourself on line 1 and fill in what you know about the dates and places for the events. Then put your dad on line 2 and your mom on line 3. Again, fill in what you know for the events. Do this for the rest of the chart. Print out the chart once you’ve filled in all you can.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk with some relatives. It might be helpful to let your parents and grandparents know of your intentions to talk about family history with them to get them thinking about things they may want to share with you. Contact them today and let them know you’ll be getting back in touch tomorrow.

Today is your second day of three weeks to improving yourself on three standards! (2/21)

Friday, June 7, 2013

7 June 2013

Today is a easy day for Personal Progress. Begin working on the three standards you chose to improve for Choice and Accountability 2. That's it! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

6 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, you need to read 4 standards in For the Strength of Youth: Service, Sexual Purity, Tithes and Offerings, and Work and Self-reliance. You've read all the standards so today you need to choose three you can improve upon and make a plan work on those for the next three weeks. Tomorrow will be day one.

I’ll remind you every few days to jot down some notes in your journal to jog your memory once it comes time to report after your three weeks are up.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

5 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, you need to read 5 standards in For the Strength of Youth: Language, Music and Dancing, Physical and Emotional Health, Repentance, and Sabbath Day Observance. List each standard in your journal and write why it's important to live that standard. After you read all the standards, you’ll need to choose three to improve on so be thinking about that as you read.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

4 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, you need to read 4 standards in For the Strength of Youth: Family, Friends, Gratitude, and Honesty and Integrity. List each standard in your journal and write why it is important to live that standard. After you read all the standards, you’ll need to choose three to improve on so be thinking about that as you read.

Monday, June 3, 2013

3 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress, we are starting Choice and accountability 2:

Read the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. List in your journal each standard of righteous behavior the pamphlet outlines, and record why it is important to choose to live those standards. Practice living righteous standards by choosing three standards in which you need to improve. You might choose to be more selective about television, music, books, or other media, or you might improve your modesty, language, or honesty. After three weeks share your progress with your family, your class, or a leader.

All you need to do today is read 5 standards in For the Strength of Youth: Agency, Dating, Dress and Appearance, Education and Entertainment and Media. List each standard in your journal and write why it is important to live that standard. After you read all the standards, you’ll need to choose three to improve on so be thinking about that as you read. We will read the rest as the week goes on.

TIP: Sister Elaine S. Dalton, previous YW General President, shared a neat way to study the standards. Each time you see a warning, underline it in red. Circle any references to the Holy Ghost. Highlight in green any blessings you receive from keeping that standard. I encourage you to do this exercise as you study the standards.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

2 June 2013

Today for Personal Progress we are starting Knowledge 4.

Select a gospel principle you would like to understand better (for example, faith, repentance, charity, eternal families, or baptismal covenants). Read scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets that relate to the principle. Prepare a five-minute talk on the subject and give the talk in a sacrament meeting, in a Young Women meeting, to your family, or to your class. Record in your journal how you can apply this gospel principle in your life.

Search the topical guide to find scriptures. Search for the words of the prophets. Use the Bible Dictionary and True to the Faith for additional resources on the subject. Share your talk in your Family Home Evening tomorrow night. You could also let your Bishop or his secretary know you have written a 5 minute talk on a particular subject and that you’d be willing to give this talk in Sacrament meeting sometime. Or you could give this talk at your Young Women in Excellence night at the end of the year. Or if you have a devotional time in your mutual opening exercises, you could give your talk there. Sign off once you give your talk.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

1 June 2013

Today for personal progress, prepare to share your thoughts about the Savior in testimony meeting tomorrow. Once you share your testimony, sign off on Faith 5.

Friday, May 31, 2013

31 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, read 2 Nephi 9: 6-, 21-26, Alma 7:11-13, 34:8-17, and Doctrine and Covenants 19:15-20. As you read, record in your journal any thoughts you have about the Savior and what he has done for you.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

30 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, we are starting Faith 5:

Increase your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ by reading Isaiah 53:3–12John 3:16–17Romans 52 Nephi 9:6–7, 21–26Alma 7:11–1334:8–17; and Doctrine and Covenants 19:15–20. In your journal write your feelings about the Savior and what He has done for you. Share your feelings in a testimony meeting.

All you need to do today is read Isaiah, John, and Romans. As you read, record in your journal any thoughts you have about the Savior and what he has done for you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

29 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, write down your gifts in your journal. Think about how you can further develop these gifts. How can you use them to bless the lives of your family and others? Then sign off Individual Worth 7

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

28 May 2013

Today for Personal progress, we are starting Individual worth 7. 

Heavenly Father has given you special gifts. Read 1 Corinthians 12:4–1213;Moroni 7:12–1310:8–18; and Doctrine and Covenants 46:11–26. Ask a family member, a Young Women leader, and a friend to write down positive qualities the Lord has given you. List your gifts in your journal, and write how you can continue to develop these gifts and use them to serve your family and others.

All you need to do today is read the scriptures and ask someone to make a list of your positive qualities. That's it! Easy, right?

Monday, May 27, 2013

27 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, be sure to record in your journal any thoughts and feelings you have about how those you serve may have felt. What did you feel as you served someone else? 

 "And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another." Mosiah 18:21

Sunday, May 26, 2013

26 May 2013

What are you doing to serve someone this weekend? Please share. We would love to hear your projects and maybe even see some photos. You can share on Facebook on the Daily Progress page or on twitter @DailyProgress_. 

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40

Saturday, May 25, 2013

25 May 2013

Welcome to Memorial Day weekend!! This is the weekend we celebrate those who have given their lives so that we can have the freedoms we enjoy each day. Take a few minutes this weekend to think about what that means to you. Since this weekend should be about service, we are going to do Good Works 6: 

Spend at least three hours giving service outside your family. Ask your ward or branch Relief Society president or a community leader for suggestions for service. For example, you might take care of children while parents attend the temple; collect, make, or recondition toys or games for a nursery; accept an assignment to clean the meetinghouse; or perform errands for or read to a homebound person or others in need. Record in your journal the reactions of the person you served and possible goals for future service opportunities.

Today for Personal progress, talk with your parents and local church leaders, missionaries, community service organizations or scouting leaders to see if they have a need you can help meet through service. Make a plan to serve. If you can, try to complete this service on Monday. If you can't complete this service as soon as you can. 

Thank you to all those who serve our country. We appreciate all you do. 

Make service your focus this weekend and we will pick up again on Tuesday. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

24 May 2013

Today for personal progress, you guessed it, keep developing that divine quality. Tomorrow, you can sign it off if you've done it for 2 weeks! Way to go! 

We will start something new tomorrow. Be excited! 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

23 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, keep developing the divine quality you chose to develop. Only 2 more days and you can sign off on Divine Nature 2! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, you need to make a plan to receive your Patriarchal blessing if you have not already received it. Schedule a Bishop's Interview with your ward's executive secretary and be sure to let him know you are interviewing to receive your recommend for your Patriarchal blessing. Once you have that recommend, you can call the Patriarch and set up an appointment with him. I encourage you to fast and pray in the days and weeks leading up to your receiving of this blessing. If you've already received your blessing, or once you receive it, sign off this experience. 

Also, continue developing the divine quality you've been working on. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21 May 2013

Today for personal progress, you need to talk with a parent or leader about Patriarchal Blessings. Discuss how you should prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing and how it can help you know of your worth and be a guide for you throughout your life. 

Also, keep working on the divine quality you are developing. 


Monday, May 20, 2013

20 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, we are starting Individual Worth 2

Learn about the importance of patriarchal blessings by studying about them in True to the Faith and recent conference talks. Find out why they are given and who can give them. Discuss with a parent or Church leader how to prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing and how it can teach you of your worth and identity and be a guide throughout your life. If you have not received your blessing, prepare to receive it.

Today, you need to read the entry in True to the Faith

Be sure to keep developing the divine quality you've been working on for Divine Nature 2


Sunday, May 19, 2013

19 May 2013

Today for personal progress, keep working on Divine Nature 2, developing a divine quality. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

18 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, we are doing Choice and Accountability 5.

The Holy Ghost will help you make correct choices. With a parent, leader, or friend, learn more about the Holy Ghost by reading and discussing Ezekiel 36:26–27John 14:2616:13Galatians 5:22–252 Nephi 32:5Moroni 10:4–5; and Doctrine and Covenants 11:12–14. Then record in your journal how the Holy Ghost can help you make good decisions in your daily life. Pray for and live worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Also, be sure to work on the divine quality you are developing.


Friday, May 17, 2013

17 May 2013

Keep on keeping on! We have just over a week left for Divine Nature 2. What divine quality are you working on? Share with us if you like. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

16 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, just keep on working on your divine quality. 

Also,on Saturday, we are going to start a value experience where you need to talk with a friend, parent or leader about the Holy Ghost. Be thinking about who you'd like to talk with. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

15 May 2013

Today for Personal Progress, we are doing Virtue 2

Virtuous living “at all times and in all things, and in all places” qualifies you for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. When you are baptized and confirmed, you are given the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide all aspects of your life. Since the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unclean tabernacles, living a virtuous life is a prerequisite to having the companionship of the Holy Ghost and receiving the blessings of temple ordinances. Read the following scripture references and identify the promised blessings: John 14:26–2715:262 Nephi 32:1–5; and Doctrine and Covenants 45:57–5988:3–4121:45–46. In your journal record what you have learned, and write about a time when you felt the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

Read the scriptures and identify the blessings you are promised from following the Holy Ghost and keeping the commandments. In your journal, record what you learned and write about a time when you felt the Holy Ghost. Then sign off on Virtue 2